Later this week is National Beach Day (30th August), where we highlight the beauty of the nation’s beaches, appreciate the joy they bring us, and most importantly, understand why it’s vital to look after them.
But what is it about the beach that makes us smile? There are a few reasons it’s often listed as one of our favourite places to go. Firstly, it’s often the number one place on our list to visit on a sunny day, as there’s nothing we love more than lying on the sand in the sunshine, having a beach BBQ with friends, or building sandcastles with the kids. It’s a place for fun, enjoying quality time with friends and family, and generally makes us feel happy and relaxed.
That links to another reason the beach is so special – it has the ability to transport us back in time to our childhood, to memories of summer holidays spent messing around in the waves, investigating rockpools or being divebombed by seagulls while eating ice creams. It’s often the focal point of holiday memories, those times that we remember with such nostalgic fondness – as soon as we sink our toes into the sand, we’re straight back there, and we feel like we’re on holiday, full of feelings of joy, relaxation and freedom.
There’s also a more fundamental pull to the coast that goes beyond sunbathing – our innate need to connect with nature is strong, and the beach ticks all the boxes. Breathing in the sea air, smelling the salt and seaweed, hearing the waves crash – whether it’s a beautiful sunny day or a stormy one, being at the beach invigorates and restores us, soothes the soul and affords us the opportunity to pay attention our senses. It’s especially true for us here in the UK, being the island nation that we are. Whether we realise it or not, being surrounded by water has defined our existence, and the coast is the meeting place of two worlds that connect us to our ancestral roots.
Our connection with the beach and the feelings it evokes are core to wellbeing. Of course, we can connect with nature in lots of different ways, and we also have fond memories and links to the past in other places, but the beach is one of the few places to do both.
But our beaches are in trouble, and need our help. Litter and plastic pollution are threatening the beauty of our wild places and the animals that live there. When combined with the effects of warming sea temperatures caused by climate change, intensive fishing practices and habitat loss, the future of the marine ecosystem is in the balance. If we don’t do something, these beautiful places that mean so much to us will be damaged forever.
Some of these issues require global governmental cooperation to address, but you can do your bit to help. Cleaning up plastic waste from your local beach is a great way to make a difference, whether you join an organised clean or just do your own. You can also do your bit to help prevent the plastic getting to the ocean in the first place by recycling or reusing everything that you can, eliminating as much plastic packaging as you can, and always cleaning up after yourself when outdoors. You can also choose to only purchase products from companies who adhere to sustainable practices, and opt for sustainably sourced fish when doing your food shop.
Not only will you be helping to restore nature and protect marine wildlife, but you’ll also give yourself a little boost at the same time. Doing something good makes you feel good – you get a sense of pride and reward for helping the planet, enhance your feelings of self-worth, gain a sense of purpose and a bit of perspective on your own troubles, and maybe even make friends along the way.
No matter the weather, a trip to the beach can connect us to nature and restore our souls. We are so lucky to have hundreds on our doorstep – don’t let them go to waste!